Your health and safety are our priority.

COVID-19 Update: June 23, 2022

Per directive from the College of Alberta Psychologists, as of June 24th, 2022, COVID-19 pre-screening is no longer required. Calgary Reconnect Counselling Group continues to monitor the COVID-19 situation, as these requirements may evolve over time. We will issue updates as needed and will update our websites to reflect any new developments.

Kids Reconnect follows all active public health orders set forth by Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, including mandatory mask requirements.

For in-person sessions, here is what we are doing to help limit the spread of infection and keep you safe during your visit:
• Hand sanitizer is available throughout the clinic
• We continuously encourage all clients and staff members to practice regular handwashing and hand sanitization
• We have increased our daily cleaning and disinfection of common areas and surfaces
• Each therapy room is sanitized every hour after a session takes place
• Clients are pre-screened for symptoms of COVID-19 before scheduling appointments and upon arrival
• Appointments are scheduled considering adequate intervals to reduce contact between clients in the hallways and waiting areas
• Furniture is amply spaced so clients and staff can sit and play at a safe distance during sessions
• We provide Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when the minimum safe distance cannot be maintained

Please ask about our Telepsychology (videoconferencing or phone) Counselling Sessions. Watch our KR – Telepsychology video to experience what online therapy will look like for your child.