Once upon a time, there was a wise little spark of imagination. It was tiny but shiny.
Day and night, it shone with possibility. It wafted wistfully in the wind until it was time to sprout. Meanwhile, it dreamed and learned and watched what the world was like for kids.
It saw lots of love and laughs. Those were wonderful!
It also saw some ugly ughs* that made kids feel sad or yucky. Those were horrible. Ugh.
The little spark wanted to emPOWER kids who were struggling by sparking joy, love, and laughs. It thought and thought.
What would be a super cool, emPOWERing way to help kids’ sparkle, grow, and thrive?
The spark was tiny, but shiny with wisdom and hope. It knew that all kids are amazing at heart. It knew that all kids hold great power inside. It knew that all kids are Superheroes. And that with specialized care, love, support, and know-how —with connection— those ugly ugh feelings could reshape into love and laughs and strength and joy to grow.
It thought and reflected (as mirrors are wont to do – pun intended!) for a long time, until… POW!
A fabulous emPOWERment idea sparkled!

The wise little spark had a great idea: a safe, fun, respectful, playful land for kids called EmPOWERland, where kids explore and grow their Superpowers. The little spark grew in inspiration and know-how and created a plan. When it was ready, it flew into the realm of reality.
With a soft thud, it landed on a playfully purple tree branch at Kids Reconnect.
It took off its shiny gold shoes and hung up its sparkly jacket. Then it inspired Marcella and Natalie (the Kids Reconnect Directors) to build EmPOWERland, a special place where kids would sparkle, shine, grow, and thrive in fun child counselling adventures.
Marcella and Natalie were child psychologists. They understood that every child is special and different – each one a Superhero in their own way.
Some kids like reading, some love to draw. Some kids are chatty or adventurous, while some prefer quiet games. And as kids grow over time, their likes and needs change. From toddlers to teens, in EmPOWERland they would enjoy a special adventure, exploring and growing their Superpowers.
Like all special places, EmPOWERland was not built in a day

Marcella and Natalie got to work right away. There were furniture and fabrics to select. Painting and decorating. Calls to make, photos to take, cookies to bake, forms to form, and websites to web. A team to gather. A zoo of fluffy stuffies and toys to place in all the playrooms. There was lots for the team to do.
Finally, EmPOWERland was ready to welcome Superhero kids.

Now you might be wondering: what about the wise little spark?
Well, that’s our favourite part. The wise little spark is still sparkling in EmPOWERland, where it shines brightly on loads of Kid Superheroes. Its name is Mirror, and we can’t wait for you to meet her.

A special note for parents
Trauma and tricky feelings (aka “ugly ughs”)
There is, of course, an official name for “ugly ughs”. Psychologists call these “adverse childhood experiences” and “trauma”. Our experience has shown us that in the aftermath of even the most adverse childhood experiences and childhood trauma, there is always —always— hope. Hope not just for healing and growing, but for thriving.
Our child therapists have joined forces to offer Calgary kids and families support in a range of situations, from healthy families looking for a gentle nudge in the right direction, to cases of complex childhood trauma. We collaborate using a variety of specialized interventions, strategies, and approaches that are personalized to delight each child and fulfill their particular needs.